Jewish, Christian, and Muslim fellowships for Acton University and other Acton programs | The Collins Center brings leaders from the Abrahamic faiths together for respectful dialogues.
The Collins Center for Abrahamic Heritage
In 2022, the Acton Institute launched the Collins Center for Abrahamic Heritage to explore Jewish, Christian, and Islamic perspectives on the foundations of a free and virtuous society. The center holds conferences around the world, publishes books and articles, and creates other resources to lead a global conversation and advance understanding of contributions from Judaism, Christianity, and Islam on questions of liberty, economics, and human flourishing.
Jews, Christians, and Muslims comprise over half the world’s population and look to their faiths for guidance above all other sources. The Collins Center acknowledges both the commonalities and differences between these faiths. Despite many commonalities, discord and animosity often divide Jews, Christians, and Muslims, sometimes leading to prejudice, violence, legal inequalities, and other injustices.
But that is not the full story in the long histories of the Abrahamic faiths. Rather than decrying the role of religion in society, the Collins Center sees great opportunity to find solutions to better the world from within these religious traditions.
Virtuous values and sources of inspiration are under attack all across the globe, and there is virtually no space for respectful and honest dialogue. The Collins Center is a fulfillment of the vital role that the Acton Institute plays in a world in dire need of civil discussions.
Thanks to the generosity of Gilbert I. Collins and family, the Acton Institute is launching the Collins Center for Abrahamic Heritage to explore insights from the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions on the foundations of a free and virtuous society. The Center will hold conferences around the world, publish books and articles, and create other resources to lead a global conversation and advance understanding of contributions from Abrahamic traditions on questions of faith, political economy, and the social order.
Rather than decrying the role of religion in society, the Collins Center sees great opportunity to find solutions to better the world from within these religious traditions. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have produced many of the greatest thinkers in world history, and these rich intellectual and moral traditions contain insights that maintain great relevance and value in addressing current challenges facing humanity.
Because the virtues and sources of positive inspiration are under attack all across the globe, there is virtually no space for respectful and honest discussions. The Collins Center is a fulfillment of the vital role that the Acton Institute plays in a world that is in dire need of civil discussions.
Current Programs
The Collin Center’s current and recent programs include:
Engaged audience since 2022
Countries represented
International participants
Participants receiving scholarships